Manuel Aravena
1 min readMar 1, 2022


I completely agree with you. Furthermore, as most Eastern European countries have joined NATO and the EU, in only a few years, it can be seen then that the separation between the eastern and Western Europe is artificial. In general all countries north of Georgia, Turkey and the Mediterranean and west of Siberia are European by history and culture. The endgame here should be that Russia is eventually in a position to join the EU as well. It’s dictators, mafia and elite are the ones that seek to maintain this separation. Russia IS a European country and belongs in the EU as well as in NATO. Anything else is artificial and perpetuated by ambitious warmongers and corrupt politicians.

I believe that if you ask any average Russian they would rather be in the EU, eventually, rather than being a pariah in the modern world as they are fast becoming.

We should look to bring them into the fold once Putin is gone and he will be, sooner rather than later.

The west is by far not perfect, but what we have, is today at least, the best way to live any society has had in human history. It needs to be perfected, definitely. But it also needs to be defended and all peoples need to be able to freely choose their destiny. The way the Ukrainians were doing until Putin and his war machine tried to prevent it.

In my opinion this is a Thermopylae moment, even if Russia wins, they will eventually lose. Ukraine stands for all of us. Slava Ukraini.

